Acquiring and handling experimental data in Structural Biology and Biophysics
Am kommenden Donnerstag spricht Prof. Dr. Michael Kovermann (Universität Konstanz) in der ADILT Ringvorlesung:
It becomes more and more popular to combine different experimental methods that are applied in the fields of Structural Biology and Biophysics to tackle scientific objectives in a convergent manner. Thus, e.g., crystallographic approaches are teamed up with spectroscopic and calorimetric experiments. All experimental approaches generate data that must be analyzed, processed, and finally make accessible to the scientific community. This lecture gives an overview of up-to-date experimental approaches and presents examples for the life cycle of experimental data acquired in projects run in the fields of Structural Biology and Biophysics.
Der Vortrag findet auf englisch statt und wird nicht aufgezeichnet.
Termin: Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2023, 17.00-18.30 Uhr
Teilnahme: im Hörsaal R513 oder online per Zoom
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