Die Auswirkungen von Digitalisierung und Automatisierung auf Arbeitsmärkte und den Sozialstaat: Erkenntnisse aus dem internationalen Vergleich
Am kommenden Donnerstag, dem 08.12.2022, begrüßen wir Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer aus den Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaften der Universität Konstanz zur Ringvorlesung.
Digitalization and automation is a significant challenge for labor markets in advanced post-industrial democracies and, as a consequence, for the welfare state as well. There is mounting evidence that technological change leads to labor market polarization and increasing inequality. But what do workers themselves think? How worried are they and what kind of policies do they demand from their governments? This and related questions are at the focus of this talk, which will present empirical findings from large-scale surveys of public opinion on digitalization and the welfare state.
Despite the german title Marius Busemeyer will speak in English. Please read the linked paper before the lecture.
Termin: Donnerstag, 08. Dezember 2022, 17.00-18.30 Uhr
Teilnahme: im Hörsaal R611 oder online per Zoom
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