Einladung zum CorrelAid Workshop „Data visualization with R“ am 25.01.2022
Are you currently writing your BA thesis and you want to include some nice and informative fancy plots? Or you are attending the course ‘data analysis with R’ and are curious what is possible besides hotpink and lightblue when it comes to visualizations? Then our workshop next week is perfect for you!
Next week, CorrelAid will offer a workshop on data visualization with R. The workshop will take place on Tuesday January 25, 6 – 8 pm via Zoom. You can register for the workshop via the following website: https://correlaid.github.io/correlaidx-kn-education/.
You should have already installed R and R Studio (a tutorial can be found here: https://rstudio-education.github.io/hopr/starting.html) and be familiar with the structure of R Studio. As a prerequisite, you should also have basic knowledge of R and preferably know some basics of have heard something the tidyverse.
In the course we will have a look at the tidyverse package ggplot2. Using data on the Chinese government’s global development finance activities, you’ll will learn about different types of plots and customizations, so that you’re are fully equipped to design some fancy plots of your own! Throughout the workshop you’ll will have the opportunity to practice in many hands-on sessions! The detailed program and the link to the materials for the workshop can be found on our website.
About us: CorrelAid is a non-profit organization that runs data4good projects together with other non-profits. We are also committed to bringing the topic of data closer to the general public population. If we have attracted piqued your interest, feel free to check out our website (https://correlaid.org/correlaid-x/konstanz/)!