Einladung zum CorrelAid Workshop „Data Visualization with R“
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Was: Workshop zum Thema „Data Visualization with R“
Wann: 7. und 14. Dezember, jeweils 17-18 Uhr
Link zur Anmeldung: https://ee.correlaid.org/single/s2glRXam
Die ausführliche Workshop-Einladung von CorrelAid:
Have you ever struggled to create meaningful and fancy graphs, maps, and figures for your presentations, research papers or theses? Do you want to dive deeper into the manifold possibilities of data visualisation offered by R? Then you should check out our introductory workshop on data visualisation with R. The workshop is divided into two sessions à 1hrs (5pm – 6pm) on 7 December and 14 December at the University of Konstanz!
You can register via the following link: https://ee.correlaid.org/single/s2glRXam
In the first part of the course (7th of December) we will use the ggplot2 package to create ever more sophisticated graphs. Using data on the Chinese government’s global development finance activities, you will learn about different types of plots and customizations so that you are fully equipped to create visualizations for the data of your choosing!In the second part of the course (14th of December) we will introduce spatial and network data to you. In the course of this workshop session, you will learn to visualize spatial data (maps, coordinates) and we will use network data in order to better understand interdependencies among observations.The detailed program and the link to the materials for the workshop can be found on our website (https://correlaid.org/events/2022-12/data-viz/). As a prerequisite, you should have installed R and R Studio (a tutorial can be found here: https://rstudio-education.github.io/hopr/starting.html) and be familiar with the structure of R Studio. Preferably, you should also have basic knowledge of data analysis with R and R Studio.Some further information about us: CorrelAid is a non-profit organization that runs data4good projects together with other non-profits. Beyond, we are committed to bringing the topic of data closer to the general public through educational offers such as workshops. If we have attracted your interest, feel free to check out our website (https://correlaid.org/correlaidx/konstanz/)!We are looking forward to your registration and wish you a great week!
CorrelAidX Konstanz
Marco Lax &
Leslie Fischer